My new laptop

I got my new laptop a few day ago. It’s a Dell XPS 15. It has the Sandy bridge architecture, a Core i7 2630QM CPU @ 2,0 GHz, 6gb of DDR3 memory and a nVidia GeForce GT540m graphics card. The 15 inch display is awesome with crystal clear quality. Crysis 2 is running smoothly and multitasking is phenomenal.

I am really happy with my purchase. More info to come πŸ™‚

Advanced Calculator Project

I am currently working Β on my “Advanced Calculator” project. Advanced meaning nothing more than it doesn’t just solve simple arithmetic equations. I won’t mention what problems is my calculator going to be able to solve for now.

I am coding it in Visual Basic using my Visual Studio Pro 2010. I am new to VB and I think it’s really easy to get the hang of it unlike some other languages.

I hope that I will release a version soon. Until then here are some pictures:

I am aware of the spelling mistakes in the program. I am focusing on the code at the moment so please excuse me πŸ™‚

The current state of the project

Back to blogging

I figured that I want to share my ideas and the things that I do with the world. But does the world want to read about things that I do? Well I can’t share with my friends because none of them are interested in computers so I mus’t let it out somewhere (LOL).

I’ll be writhing about the project I do, about learning about white hat hacking and everything I find interesting about computers!


My internet connection

I was listening to BBC Radio 1x when suddenly it stopped and a message appeared saying my internet connection wasn’t good enough. I LOLed for a period of time and then I clicked to test my connection. This was the result πŸ˜€

I also did the normal speed test.

Connection to a UK server:

Connection to my hometown:

I think that sums it up πŸ˜€

Which browser are you using?

Nowadays browsers are fighting for users, the war is on! But which is the best browser? Which is the fastest and at the same time safest? The best looking and at the same time lite? Everybody has a different opinion. Well here is mine.

Let’s start with IE (Internet Explorer). I think this is the slowest and glitchyest browser of them all. My internet connection is really good but IE compensates for that. The design isn’t that good but that doesn’t matter that much when you pages don’t load :D. I don’t think its that secure either. Sometimes its ‘security’ features block stuff that it is actually safe… sometimes the content of the site. I give IE 2,5/5 for speed, 3,5/5 for design and 3/5 for security. Which is an overall of 3/5

ο»Ώο»ΏNow let’s go to Mozilla Firefox. It is quite fast. It has lot’s of useful add-ons and lots of themes. It has really good security that has saved me lots of time. I think that sums it up :D. 4,5/5 for speed, 4,5/5 for design and 4,5 for security. Overall 4,5/5

Chrome. It’s my personal favourite at the moment. It’s extremely quick. It’s lite and has a simple but attractive design which can be changed. It’s secure and has a lot of add-ons. 5/5 for speed, 4,5/5 for design and 4,5 for security. Overall 4,6/5

Opera is a mix between Firefox and Chrome and has a little IE in it. It is really fast but a bit glitchy. It has thems but I don’t find the add-on library useful. It has good security. The main problem is the page visualization. I have spotted a lot of bugs. 4,5/5 for speed, 4/5 for design and 4 for security. Overall 4,3/5

Remember! This is my personal opinion. I am not an expert! They are all free and it is you choice which one of them you are using πŸ™‚

Let me know which is your choice in the comments. Thanks